Flower medicine, also known as flower essence therapy, is a holistic approach to wellness that uses the energy and vibrations of flowers to balance and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. In flower medicine classes, you can learn about:
Flower medicine, also known as flower essence therapy, is a holistic approach to wellness that uses the energy and vibrations of flowers to balance and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. In flower medicine classes, you can learn about:
Event From
Type of Program
No of Days
Every Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday
1. The history and principles of flower essence therapy
2. How to select and use flower essences for emotional and spiritual well-being
3. The properties and benefits of various flower essences (e.g., Bach flowers, Australian Bush Flowers)
4. How to create personalized flower essence blends
5. Techniques for using flower essences in meditation, energy healing, and ritual practices
6. The connection between flowers, emotions, and spiritual growth