In today's world, where simplicity is often mistaken for unaffordability, Healer Baskar remains a humble and unpretentious individual. He shares the scientific truths he has learned in a straightforward, simple language, often sprinkled with humor. He delves deeply into any subject that would make life easier and meaningful to deftly master it and then shares its pros and cons in the simplest terms, always free of charge.
Healer Baskar is dedicated to promoting the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of people worldwide. Having suffered from numerous diseases and the effects of allopathic medicine since childhood, he lost faith in conventional treatments. Through his own experiences, he discovered the body's remarkable ability to heal itself without any external intervention. Since then, he has transparently shared this knowledge with anyone who is willing to listen.
He genuinely practices Karma Yogam, which teaches that one should perform their duties without expecting anything in return.
- Healer Baskar
The quality of life mirrors the quality of thoughts
Healer Baskar
A habit forms in 21 days, a lifestyle in 90 days.
Healer Baskar
Doing good without attachment to results is "Karma Yoga"
Healer Baskar